Diamond Name
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Your name in Diamonds! Diamond Name features your name in beautiful diamond fonts and gorgeous backgrounds! Set your name, your loved ones' names, or any name, word, or comment you would like. Completely customizable!
* 4 Diamond Fonts
* Type any text; add ANY NAME: your name, your loved one's name, your pets name, anything!
* 6 Text Fonts
* Select size, speed and color of plain fonts
* Choose from 17 different "additional" floating items (butterflies, flowers, diamond hearts)
* Add animated sparkles
* Choose from 10 included backgrounds, or set one from your gallery or phone wallpaper!
* Turn all options on or off individually
* Supports screen size changes and rotations
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- You're a teacher and a leader Marcy, show us! Fox Searchlight has debuted the first official trailer on Apple for the Sundance hit Martha Marcy May Marlene, which means many of my friends and colleagues as their favorite film of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival Diamond Name apk free download . Once again, white Fox Searchlight.
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