Quick Stats for Wrestling
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Quick Stats for Wrestling provides simple ways to record wrestling statistics right from your Android.
Viewing statistics within the app summarizes both individual wrestler and entire team performance.
Statistics include wins and losses and totals for each stat category.
The app displays match details in sequence.
Wrestling statistics include:
1. Takedowns
2. Opponent Takedowns
3. Reversals
4. Opponent Reversals
5. Escapes
6. Opponent Escapes
7. Nearfall 2 Points
8. Opponent Nearfall 2 Points
9. Nearfall 3 Points
10. Opponent Nearfall 3 Points
11. Penalty 1 Point
12. Opponent Penalty 1 Point
13. Penalty 2 Points
14. Opponent Penalty 2 Points
15. Stalling
16. Opponent Stalling
17. Caution
18. Opponent Caution
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