Cigar Geeks
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The Cigar Geeks application is for the cigar enthusiast who is interested in furthering their cigar hobby. It comes pre-loaded with a searchable database of over 33,000 cigars and over 17,000 cigar reviews. The app can download the latest Cigars and Reviews from the Cigar Geeks web site as they are updated.
You can also track multiple humidors and inventories along with tasting notes, quantities, ages, and prices. The app will synchronize your virtual humidors with the Cigar Geeks web site as well. You can maintain your humidors in either the app or web site and synchronize the two.
If you are interested in having a quick and easy to use reference to help with future cigar purchases or want to be able to track your purchases in your various humidors then you will find this a very useful tool.
If you desire to give back to the community you can also submit your own cigar reviews through the app and they will appear on the web site under your account.
In order to submit reviews or track your humidors online a free Cigar Geeks web site login is required.
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Would love to see Hardy Men Comedy SpoofThis project has been in development for a very long time - The Hardy Men, a comedic riff on the classic young adult mystery novels about two brothers crimes crime. This parody deals with the Hardy Boys, when they grew up. Shawn Levy, the film Night at the Museum is still attached to direct, while Ben Stiller and Tom Cruise still at Stern free Cigar Geeks 3.4.1 torrent download . Mr. Smith recently put together a draft of writer Simon Kinberg, but apparently Fox threw it out. Now they have hired screenwriter Ed Solomon, in Super Mario Bros. Black Men and Charlie's Angels to work on a new version for the studio.
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