Friday, 31 October 2014

free Pocket NIHSS torrent download

Pocket NIHSS


Download .apk

Pocket NIHSS is an Android implementation of the NIH Stroke Scale, a critical tool developed by the US National Institutes of Health/NINDS for the assessment and evaluation of acute stroke. Each component of the exam is presented in an easy to navigate, multiple choice format with the official instructions for each component.


- Examination instructions for each component from the NIH Stroke Scale

- Includes all four visual aids used for assessment of language, aphasia, and dysarthria

- Final score is calculated at the end, along with the score for each individual component

This app is meant to serve as a reference similar to the pocket stroke assessment cards issued to physicians, nurses, and students in neurology and/or the emergency department. It does not provide the proper training necessary to accurately perform the assessment, nor is it meant to replace official documentation/procedures required by any given medical facility.

*** Note regarding new permissions: the permission requests made by this version (read phone status, modify USB storage, test access to protected storage) are inherent to the AppInventor system that the app was created with ( They appeared after rebuilding the app and cannot be removed (until this can be rewritten using a real programming language, which is probably never). To the best of my knowledge, though these permissions are requested, they are NOT actually used by this app. ***

Download .apk

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