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SportLog is a training log for endurance athletes.
With SportLog you have a detailed overview of your training performance.
Examining the statistics is fun and motivates to do more.
A training session consists of the following values and is entered manually:
• Date
• Sport type (cycling, mountain biking, running, swimming, inline skating, cross country skiing, walking, hiking, indoor cycling, weight training, skitouring, snowshoeing, rowing, others)
• Duration in hours and minutes
• Distance in km/mi
• Elevation in m/ft
• Average heart rate
• Calories
• Track
• Tour (used to form groups that can be added up)
• Comment
The following reports on the training sessions are possible:
• Sum and average - total, per year/month/week and per sport
• List of training sessions which can be sorted by different criteria
• Bar chart with hours/distance per week and month
• Line chart with the cumulated training values (for comparing with past years)
• Search for specific terms (tour and free text)
• Add up individual training sessions to a tour (e.g. training camps, overnight trips)
To prevent data loss, there is a Server-Sync function that copies the training sessions to a server in the Internet.
Originally Sportlog was designed for triathlon, but the App is suitable for all endurance athletes.
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Some very interesting news report tonight. On at Dread Central a from a 'very reliable source 'that a new Evil Dead, fourth film that was too much before before, in the works and that Sam Raimi editor Bob Murawski is report in Detroit from work. But then it gets a little fuzzy because Raimi is actually casting his other film Oz: The Great Powerful in Detroit show , but there is hope download SportLog 4.4 for free . A tweet from a new Twitter account that actually Bruce Campbell might itself confirms the news. It may actually mean that something in the works. Read on! a while but few years ago there were quotes from Evil Dead mastermind Sam Raimi even say a 'young director[ would] come in and remake Evil Dead', with focus on amping up the visuals and sound with modern technology. Not heard anything not heard anything for a while, but then some quotes surfaced in January of this year, said. 'I think Sam the ultimate experience in the ultimate experience in grueling terror and see it renewed for a proper theatrical experience 'That was from producer Rob Tapert, who they were looking at a incoming script, good good. These are the facts and that is what we know , but we will keep you posted. Could it be true?
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