Budget Organizer
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Budget Organizer manage your monthly budget and reports which give you clear understanding of your cash flows.
* Available in English, Español, Português, Italiano, Russian languages.
* No internet connection required.
* Manage your account with Add/Edit/Close/Delete.
* Easily transfer cash amount between accounts.
* Account shows monthly transaction of your cash flows.
* Add expense/income one-time and recurring transaction.
* Easily manage transaction by Edit/Delete.
* Monthly list shows expenses and income.
* Easily manage budget by Edit/Delete.
* Budget with color coded category
* Easily manage template to add quick transaction entry.
* Pie and Bar chart of your expenses and income.
* last six month expense and income report.
* Cash flow summary (Today's, Last 7 days, month and year).
* Manage categories by color-coded expense and income + suitable images.
* Add/Edit/Delete categories easily.
* Manage your preset notes to add quick note entry while adding transaction.
* Password setup to protect your valuable data.
* Manage Recurring bills and deposit notification.
* Select your local currency (available 80+ currencies).
* Export your account transactions as a .CSV file.
* Clear your entire database and start over from scratch.
* Backup and Restore database.
keywords: expense, income, budget manager, budget, home budget, easy money, my budget book, finance planner, cashbook, cash organizer, bills, bills manager, smart bills, bills organizer, my bills, account, savings, finance, cw money
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