Saturday, 29 March 2014

download Racing Flag Live Wallpaper + 2.3.2 for free

Racing Flag Live Wallpaper +


Download .apk

A cool live wallpaper for people who like to race! This app shows an awesome racing flag flying in your home screen!



✔ Real OpenGL 3D animation! Not a video loop or animated gif!

✔ Fully interactive! Shake phone, blow wind or touch screen to let the racing flag fly!

✔ Floating cloud, thunderstorm, snowing, starry night etc animated background effect!

✔ Lighting control!

✔ Use own photo as background!

✔ Play own audio file while flag flying!

✔ Optimize for both tablet and phone, portrait and landscape mode!

✔ Set as live wallpaper or run as standalone app!



* Tap screen twice to start/stop wind!

* Visit for other countries flags!



* Hardware permission is used for blow wind detection.

Racing flags are traditionally used in auto racing and similar motorsports to indicate track condition and to communicate important messages to drivers. Typically, the starter, sometimes the grand marshal of a race, waves the flags atop a flag stand near the start/finish line. On road courses, track marshals are also stationed at observation posts along the course in order to communicate both local and course-wide conditions to drivers. Alternatively, some racecourses employ lights to supplement the primary flag at the start/finish line.



Some background scene use in this app are from creative commons. Below are their respected links. Thanks for sharing such great photos!

Download .apk

I think I 'm more surprised that Rodriguez is quite a bit make this film itself Racing Flag Live Wallpaper + 2.3.2 apk free download . Would how like something on, Michel Gondry directing, grants with a rainbow - colored rock that wishes is the central point of focus. Not only does this just sound radical, on the lines of The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D, but it has a pretty impressive cast. I suspect this will not be the next best movie that Rodriguez can add his filmography, but I 'm sure it's going to make him the money he needs to machete or Sin City 2, or both. And we all know, this is the real stuff that we love to see Rodriguez making!

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